
Last update: 10th February 2020
  1. Hub page

    1. Edit page

      1. On the left menu panel, click on “Pages”
      2. Select the News hub page
      3. Make the modification you need (you can edit the title and the image/illustration)
      4. When you have finished your modifications, click on the “Update” button to save
  2. Detail of the news

    1. Edit a news

      1. On the left panel menu, click on “Pages”
      2. Select the news that you want to edit
      3. Make the modification you need (you can edit the title and the image/illustration)
      4. When you have finished your modifications, click on the “Update” button to save
    2. Add a news

      1. Click on the “Add new” button
      2. Type the title of the news
      3. Select the “News Single Page” template
      4. Select the “News” page parent
      5. Click on “Create new page”
      6. Type the text of the news
      7. Type the date in the “Date for the news” section
      8. Type the label in the “Date for the news” section
      9. Add the additional images in the “Illustration(s) which will…” section
      10. Add the links in the “Links” section
      11. Add the attachment files in the “Attachments” section
      12. Add the YouTube video url in the “Videos” section
      13. Add the contacts in the “Press Contacts” section
      14. Add your image/illustration in the “Featured Images” section
      15. Click on the “Publish” button