CMS presentation

Last update: 10th February 2020
  1. How to access the CMS ?

    To access the CMS, you must type “/wp-admin” after the website url :

  2. How to retrieve my password ?

    On the log screen (, just click on “Lost your password?” and type your username or your e-mail address.


    Please note that for security reason, your password will be automatically expired every 30 days.
    You will need to register a new password to login on the CMS.

  3. How is the CMS ?

    1. Dashboard

      Below, a screen capture of CMS on the “Pages” category


      1 – Main navigation / 2 – Language switch / 3 – Action button / 4 – Website main page / 5 – Parent page  / 6 – Child page / 7 – Create/Edit translation content / 8 – Page navigation

      1. 2. Language switch

        Here, you can switch to another language to see the related content.

      2. 3. Action button

        This button allows you to create a new page / places / offers depending on the category you are in.

      3. 4. Website main page

        On the “Page” category, the website main page is marked with the suffix “Front page”.

      4. 5. Parent page

        Here, this is a parent page.

      5. 6. Child page

        Here, this is a child page (in this screenshot, the parent page is the “Rooms & Suites” page).

      6. 7. Create/Edit translation content

        Here, you can create or edit the translation of the related page.

    2. Page in edit mode

      Below, a screen capture of CMS on a page in the edit mode (page, place, offer …)


      1 – Title / 2 – Main text / 3 – Additional content / 4 – File gallery / 5 – Page options  / 6 – Language  / 7 – Publish  / 8 – Page attribut / 9 – Featured image

      1. 1. Title

        In this field, you can edit the title of the page/place/offer …

      2. 2. Main text

        In this field, you can edit the main text of the page/place/offer …

      3. 3. Additional content *

        In this section, you can add and edit the additional contents of a page (specific according to the selected template).

      4. 5. Page options *

        In this section, you can add options on the page/offer (specific according to the selected template ).

      5. 6. Language

        In this section, you can choose the language of the item and select if you want duplicate uploaded medias and featured image to translations.

      6. 7. Publish

        This section allows you to manage the publication of your page (publish, edit, delete).

        You can also preview your changes by clicking on the “Preview changes” button.

      7. 8. Page attribute

        In this section, you can select the parent page and the template page.

    3. The text editor

      Below, a screen capture of the text editor:


      As on Word, the text editor allows you to format the content. You can bold or italicize your text with the editor.
      You can also create a link:

      1. Select the text you want to link
      2. Click on the chain icon (Insert/edit link)
      3. Click on the small icon
      4. In the URL field, put your URL
      5. Check the box to open the link in a new tab
      6. Click on “Add Link” button to create your link

      If you are familiar with HTML, you can create/edit the text directly in HTML. For this, just click on the “Text” tab to switch to HTML mode.