Hotel page / Home page

Last update: 10th February 2020
  1. Edit a page

    1. On the left panel menu, click on “Pages”
    2. Select the Homepage page “Front page”
    3. Make the modification you need (you can edit the title, the text and the slideshow)
    4. When you have finished your modifications, click on the “Update” button to save your changes
  2. Manage slideshow by adding image or video


    To modify the images in the slideshow, edit the main page in the CMS and go to the “File Gallery” section:


    You can delete an image by clicking on the stop when your mouse hovers the thumbnail.
    To add a new image, just drag & drop the image in the section.



    To Add a video to the slideshow:

    1. Add a youtube or vimeo link into the custom slideshow
    2. The link should include the watch part ttps://
    3. When you have finished your modifications, click on the “Update” button to save your changes