Edit a news
- On the left panel menu, click on “Pages”
- Select the news that you want to edit
- Make the modification you need (you can edit the title and the image/illustration)
- When you have finished your modifications, click on the “Update” button to save
Add a news
- Click on the “Add new” button
- Type the title of the news
- Select the “News Single Page” template
- Select the “News” page parent
- Click on “Create new page”
- Type the text of the news
- Type the date in the “Date for the news” section
- Type the label in the “Date for the news” section
- Add the additional images in the “Illustration(s) which will…” section
- Add the links in the “Links” section
- Add the attachment files in the “Attachments” section
- Add the YouTube video url in the “Videos” section
- Add the contacts in the “Press Contacts” section
- Add your image/illustration in the “Featured Images” section
- Click on the “Publish” button